Monday, July 2, 2012

Owning a Home is More Than Just Owning a Home

Owning a home provides much more than just a roof over one’s family. It is the single biggest asset most people have at retirement time. It connects you to your community. Owning a home is more than just owning a home. It provides stability, education of values, prices, contracts, and maintenance.  Making your monthly investments provides stability and improves one’s credit standing.  The homeowner has the security of knowing the loan conditions are set because as long as the payments are made the home is yours. The tax savings is significant. A renter will face rental increases throughout the years and the landlord may want possession of the home.

Home ownership improves citizenship, and independence. Owning a piece of land, your own home, means not having to ask your landlord for permission to hang pictures. I remember buying my first home when I was 22 yrs old and thinking how it was mine. If I wanted to get up one day and tear down a wall I could! Even though I didn’t I could and didn’t have to ask anyone for permission. Home ownership helps build character by learning to maintain your home as well as foster your creativity in remodeling, fix up, and landscaping. Finally, it is just fun having a place that friends gather and meet. They do that at your home which gives the chance to showcase and be proud of your home. These are some of the reasons they call it Pride of Ownership.

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