Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oh How Times Have Changed

The real estate industry, like many others, has drastically changed the way business is conducted. Flash back to 1975, when I started out in my career, there were no fax machines, cell phones, I pads, or computers. When we had a buyer make an offer to a seller who lived in another area we simply hopped in the car and drove to present the offer to the seller. I’ve driven to Ocean Shores, Bellingham, Snoqualmie Pass and other destinations to meet with the seller. Then came the use of Western Union whereby the seller would send a short telegram of acceptance which would be followed up with the original documents being mailed out for signatures.

 Nowadays to keep up with the changes in the real estate business we have information literally at our fingertips. In fact buyers have the updated listings instantly. Here are a couple photos of the old listing books which came out weekly then bi weekly before the computer age made them obsolete. Keep in mind this information was outdated the day we received it. Each morning a courier would deliver the updates in the form of a bulletin. As Bob Dylan wrote many years ago…the time’s they are a changin. The only thing that doesn’t change is change itself.

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